《阴谋论、谎言与人工智能 右翼虚假信息如何反映2024年大选中的仇恨政治》报告链接:https://www.piyaoba.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2024%E5%A4%A7%E9%80%89%E5%81%87%E6%96%B0%E9%97%BB%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A.pdf
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00:02:24 事实核查工作的背景、日常流程和优先级判断
00:05:50 中文虚假信息传播渠道的变迁
00:12:53 2024大选中文假新闻的主要叙事方向
00:18:07 AI技术如何改变虚假信息传播方式
00:37:13 制造和传播虚假信息的不同动机
00:40:17 事实核查的意义是什么
00:50:02 如何识别虚假信息:一些建议
【 What We Talked About】
Misinformation and disinformation remain an unavoidable topic in every election cycle. During the 2024 election season, the spread of false information appears to have reached unprecedented levels — from Trump promoting the "eating dogs and cats" conspiracy during the presidential debate to the flood of misinformation across social media platforms.
In this episode, we talk with a fact-checker specializing in Chinese-language content to explore how to tackle election misinformation in Chinese media spaces. We'll examine the spread of false information across major social platforms, investigate why first-generation immigrants are particularly susceptible to becoming targeted audiences, and share tips for distinguishing fact from fiction.
Report: CONSPIRACY THEORIES, LIES, & A.I.: How right-wing disinformation in the Chinese American community reflect the politics of hate in the 2024 election https://caasf.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/CAA-Report-Conspiracy-Theories-Lies-and-AI-1.pdf
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00:02:24 Understanding fact-checking: background, process, and priorities
00:05:50 Shifts in Chinese-language misinformation channels
00:12:53 Key narratives of Chinese misinformation in the 2024 election
00:18:07 AI's impact on misinformation dissemination
00:37:13 Understanding motivations behind misinformation
00:40:17 Why fact-checking matters
00:50:02 Spotting misinformation: a practical guide
【Who We Are】
The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.
Our Hosts and Guests:
小华 (Xiao Hua): Journalist, political observer
Jinxia: Program Manager of Digital Engagement at Chinese for Affirmative Action